Friday, 10 December 2004

Horse Riding 3

Just got home from horse riding lesson. I was riding on Nina. Quite suspicious when Daphne said she'll saddle her (not that she'll help me saddle her.) Fact is: Nina is quite a young horse and doesn't like people in the stabble. I was not even allowed to come to her stabble.

Nina is so much different with Zeddam, more like Ricky. I have to use a whip, in case she doesn't obey my kick. She's beautiful actually, white horse (oops, Daphne will correct me: she's not a horse, she's a pony - but ah, boeie, I'm Indonesian, she's a horse :D). So many things to remember: Nina doesn't like to ride alone, she must stay close to another horse. Nina and Hem (?) doesn't like each other, Nina can ride behind Hem but not in front of Hem. Nina is quite lazy, when we took a break, she lower her head so low that Daphne ordered me to kick, otherwise she might lay down on the sand. Finally I stayed behind Vienna - the granny, she's 25.

Oh ya, one progress: I managed to jump to Nina without help! woehoe!

At a certain point, there was a 'chaos'. Mizuki was riding on Organza. Somehow they managed to scare each other. I'm not kidding, they scared each other, and then, they scared others. I didn't know what happened to others (of course, I was busy with Nina), but this is what happened to me: my butt was not on Nina, it was hanging on her left, my legs were still in the 'beugel' (what's the english word? itu, tempat naruh kaki), I held the range (tali kekang, dutch: teugel) dearly. But I survived, so as others, nobody fell down.

Then Daphne ordered Mizuki and Kirsten to change horses. Then again, Kirsten was quite nervous and even though they didn't scared others, they rode on their own, as if Kirsten was not able to control Organza. Then Darryl rode on Organza and he was good on her.

Sunday, 5 December 2004

Horse Riding 2

Kalau minggu lalu aku naik Ricky, Kamis lalu aku naik Zeddam. I didn't need to saddle this time as another girl was riding him before me. Zeddam is BIG! And he was quite different than Ricky. Zeddam is quite a typical 'manage' horse, he'll do whatever the horse in front of him does, even before I told him to do so. At a certain point it just seems that I don't need to give him instructions (unless to keep him from chasing other horse's tail :p)

Let me tell you about how Zeddam is different with Ricky. First of all, Ricky is quite stubborn, he's quite lazy. Whenever we're trotting, after a certain time (he decides), he started to walk. And when I want to start trotting, I have to kick him very hard - quite difficult to get it hard enough. With Zeddam, when he saw the other horses started to trot, he just start to trot - he doesn't even wait for me to kick him. Ricky is quite a chicken, he got scared easily, that's why we can only jump on (or jump off) him in the corner, when no other horse is nearby). Zeddam on the other hand, is quite afraid of his blanket, Simone told me because once his previous owner sent his blanket to a 'penatu' and apparantly Zeddam was allergic to the washing liquid they use.

So, in conclusion, Zeddam is much bigger than Ricky, but I feel safer on Zeddam (except when at a certain moment he kicked the horse behind him - it was quite scary though, and as I know myself, I just went mute.)

I think I managed to stand and sit better than last week, kali ini nggak sakit2 pantat. Far from perfect, but I see a progress.

Wednesday, 1 December 2004

Horse Riding 1

Hari kamis yg lalu aku mulai belajar menunggang kuda. It was FUN !! Belajarnya mulai dr masang kekang, saddle, etc, menunggangnya, sampai bawa kuda kembali ke kandangnya dan ngelepasin segala perlengkapannya itu.

Kuda yg kunaikin Kamis malam itu namanya Ricky, katanya sih 'quite small' ternyata yg small itu ukurannya kayak ukuran kuda yg biasa kita liat di Indonesia. Aku bahkan nggak bisa lompat ke atas kuda sendiri!!

Belajar walking n trotting. Lumayan kebanting2 di atas kuda. :D