Thursday 30 August 2007


I've been doing some thinking lately, resulting in the song Count your blessings being played inside my head (as well as my computer) most of the time.

Yes, it's a blessing to be alive, it's a blessing to have a job that I like. It's even a blessing to know what kind of job I like. It's a blessing to have wonderful parents. It's a blessing to have a brother and a sister. It's a blessing to be free to choose the life I want. It's a blessing to be able to laugh. It's a blessing to be healthy (fibromyalgia is past). It's a blessing to be able to do sport again. The list can go on ... and on ... indeed I'm counting my blessings.

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

P.S. Mer wrote about her miracles, I prefer blessings.


Merlyna said...

just as I have commented your comment in my blog, it's a great coincidence that I, too, had "count your blessings" as a theme of my last flight two weeks ago. i'll tell the story later.

about blessings and miracles, i think in essence they are different. blessing refers to something that contributes to or promote happiness. miracle refers to an unusual/surprising nature of phenomenon.

but, i love blessings too! i love both miracles and blessings :))

enjoy your blessings, Vit!!!

Savitri said...

I love both miracles and blessings too! :D