Monday 26 November 2007


Last week, I joined a team from our church doing 'baksos'. Let me share one funny experience.

There was one particular 5.5 years old girl. I remember her well because she spelled her name to me when I filled her registration card. Everything went well ... until 10 minutes later she came back to me, very upset. The thing is, every kid got 2 coupons: a blue one for being able to see a medical doctor for free and getting some snack; a yellow one for getting stationery. She gave her blue coupon to me (and I gave it back), thinking I lost her yellow one.

She was angrily asking me where her yellow coupon was. When I said I didn't have it, she gave her version (gave me both coupon, I only gave the blue one back). When she saw that it didn't go anywhere (namely that I don't have the coupon), she started to cry.

Yes, indeed ... a 5.5 years old girl got angry with me and then cried! To be honest, I didn't know what to do (or say). :-P The only thing I did was looking around, trying to get somebody's attention ... and I'll ask for help. Hehe, SOS!!

And you know what? In fact, the yellow coupon was ... in her bag! The cry immediately stopped when we spotted the 'lost' coupon. A teenager from our group commented: 'Capek deeh!'


Merlyna said...

haha, ternyata anak umur 5.5 tahun bisa lebih galak dari seorang Vitri :)

Anonymous said...

Hei, Bu. You are very nice with that kid :), just guess, i see what you are at 'capek deeh' situation haha...

Savitri said...

Haha, tahu nggak, anak itu ngomongnya pake kata 'kamu'. Meskipun 'kamu' memang kata ganti orang kedua, tp di'-kamu'-in oleh anak 5.5 th rada nyesek jg euy. :-P

Unknown said...

Sebenarnya "kamu" bukan kata yang kasar, mestikah digunakan "Anda"? Hmmmm, tapi orang di Indonesia memang jarang banget pakai kata kamu, lebih suka pakai kata ganti ke-2 yg lain: ibu, mba', jeng...padahal kalau dipikir "kamu" itu lebih egaliter dan bebas prasangka ;-)

Savitri said...

Haha, tapi tetep aja nggak biasa dengernya, Ndres.