Thursday, 14 December 2006

Study Abroad and LDR

Last weekend I met some friends at alumni dinner. I heard another failed relationship story. It made me think of relationship, how studying abroad effects it.

During my stay in Europe, I heard sooo ... many story about failed relationships. One by one friends lost her/his boy/girlfriend.

Of course many people have theories on it. It ranges from 'how living in another country changes a person' to 'unfaithfulness'. It became a gender related issues (there is a theory on whether a relationship has bigger possibility to survive if the man or the woman studied abroad).

A friend even had a theory that having a long distance relationship is a 'safety net' -- you're not asked about not having a partner, yet you have all the time to enjoy your single life.

I think most students who studied abroad had a 'dream' of getting married and settle down after graduation. Unfortunately many of us were not blessed with fulfillment of that dream. I don't have the statistical data, but I'm a witness on how many relationships have failed because of this.

So friends, for you who have studied abroad and succeeded in your relationship: hats off! For you who have never gone abroad and succeeded in your relationship: don't be disappointed, perhaps that's what it takes for keeping your relationship. For you who are thinking of going abroad: consider this and think of how to keep yours. For you whose relationship failed: it's not the end of the world -- dunia tak selebar daun kelor. :P


Anonymous said...

Long distance relationship itu kayaknya seperti ujian gitu deh Vit..kalau survive, jarang yang tidak berakhir dengan menikah. Orang-orang sering gagal pas long-distance ini, menurut Indres sih, karena sulit menjaga kualitas komunikasi dengan pasangannya.

Anonymous said...

'safety net' or 'safe net'? (depends on 'what u mean' of course)...but i'm ABSOLUTELY sure you have a very high level in English! I really enjoy reading every word you made, not fake, it's really...WOW! speaking about LDR, speechless for me, so many bitter things I've got..:) just keep on writing, lady, and I always read it...! best regards, passer by

Savitri said...

Indres: Kalau ujian, levelnya UAS atau malah Final Project, Dres?

Passer by: Thanks, I'm flattered. :-)

rihard said...

Kami dah ngalamin nih pacaran jarak jauuuh, 2 tahun. It's difficult but not impossible. depend on how you keep your commmitment.

Savitri said...

B' Rihard / K' Susy:
Hehe ... kalian salah satu yg dikasih hats off :-)