Saturday, 22 December 2007


For many, the end of the year is time to reflect and make new year's resolution.

Looking back, 2005 was the year when I learnt about loss, separation, and death, the true meaning of I'll see you again someday, if not on this earth, then in heaven. The year of 2006 was the bottom of the bottom, sort to say, the year where everything seemed to fall apart. However, it's not the end of the world. In 2007 I learnt to live, to dream, and to hope again, time to start planning my future.

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. (Hayo ... kutipan dari mana?)


Merlyna said...

Glad that 2007 was a great year for you.

I wish that 2008 is better than the past for you.

Happy New Year!

p.s. that's from the Holy B, of course. Phil 3: 13 :p

Savitri said...

I wish you a wonderful year ahead, Teh. Indeed 2007 was a great year for me, I even got a great Christmas gift ;-)