Saturday, 12 March 2005

Hot Chocolate

Should I stop drinking hot chocolate?

There is a machine at work where we can get coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. for free. I started to drink quite hot chocolate quite a lot. Then I realised something wrong happened with my stomach -- or rather, my digestive system. OK, I'm not going to use all my Dutch word here (believe me, I know a lot of Dutch words to express this thing).

Digestive system is always my problem (it's in the gene though), so in the beginning I didn't really pay attention. Only yesterday I realised that something change. It's not only about cold anymore (yes, cold has something to do with me and the loo). Thinking, then I decided to try to reduce my amount of hot chocolate and see whether it helps.

Today I only had a cup of hot chocolate (can't resist to have it) and my stomach was perfectly fine. Phew, maybe indeed it is the problem. Poor me, I can have free hot chocolate and I cannot take it! :((


Anonymous said...

OOT. Vit, belajar naik kuda susah tidak?

Savitri said...

Nggak sesulit belajar naik sepeda ;)

Yg sulit menurut Vitri itu memasang dan melepaskan segala perlengkapan kudanya -- saddle lumayan berat lho, blm lg naikinnya ke punggung kuda. Dan tdk lupa, belajar naik ke kuda! Hehehe ... susahnya berbadan kecil.

Once you're up there, it's amazing!:D

Savitri said...

Oops, baru nyadar, kok sepeda sih yg di situ. Sebenernya maksudnya mau blg: 'Nggak sesulit belajar ice skating;)' -- Considering I survived 5 horse riding lessons without any injury while got 4 stitches on my first try with ice skating.