Tuesday, 8 March 2005


Dulu pas baca bukunya Laura Ingalls yg blg di seluruh negara hari Senin mencuci, Selasa setrika, etc aku pikir: strange, masa iya seluruh negara follow the same schedule.

But wait a minute, here I am in NL, 21st century, yet similar things happen. Today, like any other first Monday of the month, at noon, alarm kebakaran bunyi. Nggak di Enschede, nggak di Amsterdam, first Monday of the month at noon itu waktunya untuk ngetest apakah alarm
kebakaran msh berfungsi dg baik.

Blm lg fakta bhw Sabtu itu harinya semua org belanja, Minggu itu hari libur, kecuali koopzondag -- normally first Sunday of the month (and it only starts at 12.00). Trus hari Senin pagi itu semua toko tutup -- waktu untuk inventory checking. Semua org kerja di waktu yg sama --
imagine how can you go to the bank if banks only open during your time at work!

Blm lg ada yg bilang bhw Wednesday is gehakt dag -- almost everyone in the whole country eat gehakt (daging cincang) -- krn all butchers sell gehakt for cheap on Wednesdays (unfortunately I don't buy my meat at butchers, and supermarkets don't follow this rule).

Trus ada lg hari apa gitu yg jgn makan ikan -- hari Senin kalau gak salah, soalnya stock ikan datangnya tiap Selasa -- yg beli ikan hari itu can only be tourist (who obviously don't know the rule).


Anonymous said...

I like gehakt also, my mother gave me the recipe a long time ago. My family here in Australaia enjoys it very much.
PS what is "lg" shorthand for?

Savitri said...

lg = lagi :-)
Btw, who are you?