Wednesday, 14 December 2005


Just finished reading Pram's Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind) -- the first book of his Buru Quartet.
Well, actually it has taken me more than a month to go beyond first page. For several weeks I was so bored with books (work with books a lot) that I didn't touch any single book in my free time. Last weekend I read Jomblo out of curiousity (back to the time when I couldn't access Indonesian books). And then reading too light novel -- and felt that I needed something heavier. So there I was with Pram's.
Looking forward to read his other books. Thanks to the one who introduced me to his books for the first time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dari tetralogi itu, favorit Indres yang rumah kaca. Oya, menurut Indres, cerita pendek Pram lebih menarik daripada novelnya.