Thursday, 28 April 2005

Back in NL

Thanks for all your support, condolences, prayers, your time, ears to listen, shoulder to cry on, all kind of supports means a lot for me.

After what happened with Meta, people from the company where I'm doing my final project, together with people from the university, bought me a ticket so I was able to attend her funeral. It was very sweet of them. Many thanks to them.

I arrived after the 'peak' emotional time. The first three days were the hardest. Hearing people recounted about what had happened during those days made me cried.

When I arrived and went to my uncle, he pointed to the coffin and said, "Adikmu sudah nggak ada, Vit." (your sister has gone). It really touched me to hear his choice of word -- adik -- sister, instead of cousin -- it made me felt even closer to this family.

She was so young, yet what happened has united two big families, working hand in hand supporting her family. According to her mom, her spiritual condition was at the peak condition. She loves Jesus very much. Surely she is in heaven now. It was quite a relieve (considering the situation) that she died on the spot, she didn't suffer. Her face was so beautiful and peaceful.

It was good for her -- not so good for us who were left behind, but if we love someone, we would wish the best for her, wouldn't we? And she is happy with Jesus. She is home. What else could we expect?

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