Friday, 15 April 2005

Ticket controllers

About two weeks ago when my friend said, "Look, they're checking the ticket," I was surprised. I knew that any time a ticket controller might step in and demand to see tickets, and I saw ticket controllers on every stairs on metro station in central station, and I've seen them in the metro before (but they were just travelling, not checking tickets). But it was the first time I saw them checking ticket in a tram.

Yesterday was my first experience with ticket controllers. I was on my way home. On the last stop before I stepped out of the tram, ticket controllers stepped in and checked tickets. I saw a guy got fined. And I thought, "Hmm ... that's weird, for months I've never seen them and in two weeks I saw them twice in this area.

This morning, when I 'overstap' to another metro, there were two ticket controllers guarding the stairs. Are they currently targetting this area? Three times in two weeks!


Anonymous said...

bagus ada pemberitauannya yee buat IK..soalnya IK gak pernah nyetrip kartu IK saat naik trem,biasanya naek trem setelah naek bus yg dah lewat lebih dr sejam, jd males nyetrip2 lagih, abis ik pikir almost impossible gituh loh kartu diperiksa di trem, kan biasanya delft denhaag penuh gituh trem nye, ternyata ada kejadian juga yak, musti ati2 niy..:))

Anonymous said...

Vit, kayanya emang jodoh sama petugas cek tiket ya...ingat ngga dulu pas di london? Indres ketemu sama petugas cek tiket pertama kali pas bareng vitri itu :-)

Savitri said...

Haha ... seminggu di London, 2x ketemu petugas. :))